IB3 Campaign
The iB3 is a scientific research institute of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. In our institute we study biological, physiological and pathological processes and systems of different complexity, we study molecules, cells and organisms. Our objective is to generate an inclusive and diverse space that promotes links between students, teachers, and researchers. We seek to generate transdisciplinary projects by adding interaction with the community and vulnerable or neglected sectors of our society. In our institute, internships, undergraduate and doctoral thesis work are carried out, and we generate a scholarship program for students. We transfer technologies to companies and provide technical services to the industry. We want to guarantee the inclusion of people with disabilities in the field of scientific research and we want to provide explicit support for educational social practices of the University of Buenos Aires that strengthen the link with society.
How can you help us develop this project?
We need resources for infrastructure, equipment maintenance and your support through donations of money, materials or services will allow us to move forward in this very complex time for our country.
You can find more information about specific projects of the different research groups on our institute’s page: https://ib3.fbmc.fcen.uba.ar/
Thank you for your collaboration!
By entering the following link you can associate your card and donate safely and easily
You will be redirected to the site to obtain the corresponding data for a bank transfer
If you are outside Argentina, make your donation through the HelpArgentina portal
How to deduct Foundation donations from Income Tax.