FUNDACEN provide administrative and management support to activities of the EXACTAS-UBA community.
Management of grants and R + D + i projects
We offer administrative management for research, development and / or innovation projects, in particular for international grants and subsidies.
The Foundation give manegement support to various research, development and / or innovation projects, in particular international projects, grants and subsidies, or projects closer to innovation or industry, which by format or conditions, both the researcher and the FCEN consider appropriate to channel to through us.
Role of proton activated Acid sensing ion Channels (ASICs) in neuropathic pain in Fabry Disease | Shire Inc | Osvaldo Uchitel | 2019-2021 |
Visual Search in natural images: Combining Brain Activity, Eye Movements and Computational models | DoD-ARL | Juan E. Kamienkowski | 2019-2020 |
Cyclic nucleotide signalling in Chagas disease: identification of new key players for novel anti-parasitic drug design | University of Leicester | Martín Edreira | 2019 |
Ciencia de Datos aplicada al sistema de transporte público de la ciudad de Córdoba | CAF | Agustín Gravano | 2018 |
Interrupción de las Trayectorias Escolares | CAF | Juan E. Kamienkowski | 2018 |
Herramientas de software para la realización de experimentos psicológicos y comportamentales masivos vía web | Fundación Sadosky | Diego Slezak | 2018 |
Herramienta para generación automática de casos de prueba basada en algoritmos random para aplicaciones Java/Spring | Fundación Sadosky | Nicolás D’Ippolito | 2018 |
Capacity building for bioinformatics in Latin America | EMBL | Adrián Turkansky | 2018 |
Análisis multi-escala de fracturas naturales en la Formación Vaca Muerta | TOTAL | Daniel Yagupsky | 2017 |
Technological transfer unit
We are intermediaries between the production of science and technology and those entities that wish to finance them to promote
The Foundation as UVT
The role of UVTs is to promote, facilitate and streamline the execution of R & D & I projects, in the face of the reality that many interactions between universities, public funding agencies, companies and international organizations are extremely complex and present administrative challenges which are sometimes unknown to each of the parties. The UVT arise in the year 1990 by the 23,877 law of the National Congress. It specifies that to operate, UVTs must regulate their relationship with the beneficiaries of their management, that is, with the institutions and organizations to which the researchers who will carry out the R & D & i work belong. Whether you are a researcher interested in developing technological linkage activities, or if you are part of an entity interested in requesting or financing those activities, we can explain the possible administrative channels to carry out your projects. Come to our Foundation.
For technology transfer by CONICET researchers.
Management of scientific meetings and sponsorships
The Foundation provides administrative support to carry out academic meetings (conferences, congresses, workshops, schools, etc.), including the collection and billing of registrations and / or the reception of dedicated sponsorships and subsidies, as well as the execution of the funds raised and the presentation of renditions.
27th International Conference on Statistical Physics (StatPhys 27) | Julio 2019 |
Towards Future Research on Space Weather Drivers (FRESWED 2019) | Julio 2019 |
Dark Side of the Universe | Julio 2019 |
ISEPEP8 | Julio 2019 |
XII Simposio Argentino de Ficología | Septiembre 2019 |
XIII Simposio Argentino de Polímeros (SAP 2019) | Octubre 2019 |
13th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN 2018) | Abril 2018 |
11th Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (COLAGE XI) | Abril 2018 |
Escuela de invierno en Machine Learning (MLSS 2018) | Junio 2018 |
X Jornadas Nacionales de Ciencias del Mar | Julio 2018 |
XX Escuela de Invierno Giambiagi | Julio 2018 |
IV Taller de Resonancia Magnética (IV TRM) | Septiembre 2018 |
CIII Reunión Anual de la Asociación de Física Argentina (RAFA 2018) | Septiembre 2018 |
GeoSierrasBayas 2018 | Octubre 2018 |
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