Support to Scientific Meetings
Call for support to academic and scientific meetings
Meeting scheduled between |
Evaluation and announcement to applicants |
Reception of applications |
1st April – 30th September 2020 |
15th – 28th February 2020 |
Until 31st January 2020 |
Application: must be submitted by email and in writing (signed in original, in the Foundation office):
- Letter-request, indicating the amount requested and for what (type / item of expenses).
- Information about the event, primarily: dates and venue, and who the organizers are. It is also helpful to include: program / speakers, other sponsorships requested (and awarded, if applicable).
- The letter must designate a researcher from the FCEN (full-time FCEN teacher and / or a CONICET researcher with a workplace at the FCEN) as responsible for the execution of the funds, and must be signed in original by this person.
- Indicate the event website, if any (report it later if it arises afterwards).
Terms and conditions:
- The Organizing Committee must be made up of at least one researcher from the FCEN (full-time FCEN teacher and / or CONICET researcher with a workplace at the FCEN).
- The amount requested is indicative, the Foundation can offer aid for a lesser amount depending on its available resources.
- The grants that are granted are completely independent of the registration collection service and sponsorship management offered by the Foundation.
- NEW *: the applications will be evaluated based on the relevance and relevance of the topic depending on the mission of FUNDACEN, the breadth of the target audience for the activity and the coherence of the budget.
This call is to request the Foundation’s own funds, and does not include aid to events that arise from contributions from third parties, that is: sponsorships and donations that the Foundation receives from others and manages in favor of an event that obtained such contributions . The Foundation permanently offers an administrative management service for third-party sponsorships and registration fees, and you can consult the conditions of the service directly (independently of this call for grants for events belonging to the Foundation). |
- The aid is made effective through direct payment of expenses by the Foundation. There is no restriction on the type / category of expenses, but they must all be tax receipts in the name of the Foundation and have to do with the event.
- The person responsible for the execution of the funds, who must be a researcher from the FCEN (a full-time FCEN teacher and / or a CONICET researcher with a workplace at the FCEN) must execute the funds following the usual procedures of the Foundation, which appear in this link.
- In all printed and online material, the Foundation’s sponsorship must appear, with its logo when appropriate.
- At the end of the event, material representative of the realization of the event, eg printed material about it and / or a report of the realization, for example including the list of participants. A copy of a report prepared to fulfill another grant / aid may be submitted.
Please send your request until the corresponding deadline by email to, you will receive a confirmation email within one week. You must also submit your application on paper and signed in original at the Foundation office within one week of sending it by email – if you do not comply with the paper submission, your application will be disqualified. |
Previously supported meetings:
Apr-Sep 2016: Giambiagi School 2016 and Santaló School 2016.
Oct 2016-Mar 2017: none.
Apr-Sep 2017: Santaló School 2017 (CIMPA 2017).
Oct 2017-Mar 2018: StatPhys27, SAIB 2017, Nanoandes 2017, RSME-UMA 2017, XXI SINAQO, PDE-FBP 2017. See the full report of the results of the call.
Abr-Sep 2018: Escuela Taller “A systems approach to biology”, Workshop Análisis Armónico, Escuela CIMPA/Santaló, Primer Taller Argentino de Cuántica, K-Theory Conference, 13th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, 103 Reunión Nacional de la Asociación de Física de Argentina, XIV Taller de Óptica y Fotónica. Ver el informe completo de los resultados de la convocatoria.
Apr-Sep 2018: Workshop School “A systems approach to biology“, Workshop Harmonic Analysis, School CIMPA / Santaló, First Argentine Quantum Workshop, K-Theory Conference, 13th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, 103 National Meeting of the Physics Association from Argentina, XIV Optics and Photonics Workshop. See the full report of the results of the call.
Apr-Sep 2018: Workshop School “A systems approach to biology”, Workshop Harmonic Analysis, School CIMPA / Santaló, First Argentine Quantum Workshop, K-Theory Conference, 13th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, 103 National Meeting of the Physics Association from Argentina, XIV Optics and Photonics Workshop. See the full report of the results of the call.
Oct 2018-Mar 2019: National Meeting of Analysts A. P. Calderón and XIII Argentine Congress of Meteorology. See the full report of the results of the call.
Apr-Sept 2019: National Algebra Meeting 2019 (elENA), 2nd Quantum-Quantum Workshop 2019, Dark Side of the Universe, XXI Giambiagi School “Cold Ions, Science and Quantum Tech”, III Argentine Meeting of Evolutionary Biology (RABE) , ISEPEP (International Symposium Ecological Physiology of Ecotherms and Plants). See the full report of the results of the call.
Oct 2019-Mar 2020: Challenges and professional competences for women in physics (TAMFIS 2019) and LV Annual Meeting of the ARGENTINE SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-XIV Congress Pan-American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SAIB LV-PABMB XIV) See the full report of the results of the call.
Oct 2018-Mar 2019: Encuentro Nacional de Analistas A. P. Calderón y XIII Congreso Argentino de Meteorología. Ver el informe completo de los resultados de la convocatoria.
Abr-Sept 2019: Encuentro Nacional de Álgebra 2019 (elENA), 2do Taller de Cuántica-Cuantos 2019, Dark Side of the Universe, XXI Escuela Giambiagi “Iones fríos, ciencia y tech cuánticas”, III Reunión Argentina de Biología Evolutiva (RABE), ISEPEP (Simposio Internacional Fisiología Ecológica de Ecotermos y Plantas). Ver el informe completo de los resultados de la convocatoria.
Oct 2019-Mar 2020: Desafíos y competencias profesionales para mujeres en física (TAMFIS 2019) y LV Reunión Anual de la SOCIEDAD ARGENTINA DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN BIOQUÍMICA Y BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR-XIV Congreso Pan-American Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SAIB LV-PABMB XIV) Ver el informe completo de los resultados de la convocatoria.
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