FUNDACEN’s goal is to help alumni, companies and the broader community support the School of Exact and Natural Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires through different projects and programs. We invite you to find out more!
Sadosky Scholarships
The Sadosky Scholarships are grants for undergraduate students of all undergraduate degrees at the UBA Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. The objective of these scholarships is to provide complementary financial aid and tutoring to students with socioeconomic needs who have already passed the 6 subjects of the UBA Common Basic Cycle.
Facilities improvement for FCEN
Adequate infrastructure and modern equipment is essential to develop the potential of students, teachers and researchers. This initiative seeks to support the School of Exact and Natural Sciences in projects aimed at that objective and you too can help.
Support to Scientific Meetings
Workshops and congresses are important to enhace updating and collaboration, essential elements for relevant scientific production. That’s why FUNDACEN permanently seeks to support academic and scientific events and for this we need your collaboration.
Support to teaching and research departments
FUNDACEN is a gate for those who want to help the teaching departments and institutes of the School of Exact and Natural Sciences in their teaching and research activities. We invite you to learn more about the activities they carry out and the projects you can support.
Manuel López Lecube
Alicia Montoya
Juan M. Alvarez

Filial Buenos Aires
Many thanks to all the individual donors who monthly support and make our mission possible for a better School of Exact and Natural Sciences